Where Do We Begin?
I’ve been thinking a lot about where to start with this blog, especially as it’s designed to help people, whether you’re new to Christianity or have been walking the path for years. For those just beginning their faith journey, it’s important to lay down a solid foundation. Without it, understanding who God is and what he’s doing in creation becomes harder. And for those who have been growing in faith for a while, they need spiritual “meat”, something substantial to keep them spiritually alive and moving forward. This puts me in a unique situation: Who exactly is my audience, and how can I make my posts helpful for every Christian, no matter where they are in their faith?
After thinking it through, I’ve decided to focus first on those who are new to the faith. Starting strong is crucial, and the foundation you build on will determine whether you grow well or get stuck in a misunderstanding. But does that mean I’m leaving out the more experienced believers? Not at all! As Paul would say, “God forbid!” In fact, those of you who have been Christians for a while might need this just as much, if not more.
Why Start with the Basics?
Here’s why: Many mature Christians, even some who feel called to lead, struggle with the basics of theology. Some have even picked up teachings that are not only wrong but dangerous, pushing error at best, and heresy at worst. We live in an age where biblical scholarship is thriving, and exciting archaeological discoveries are bringing us closer to a fuller understanding of our faith. But the greatest enemy of truth is often tradition and complacency. Too many in the church reject new approaches because the old ways feel safer.
As someone who is called to teach, I understand why some leaders are hesitant to step into unfamiliar territory. We are accountable for what we teach. But I also believe it’s harmful to close our minds to new ideas just because they make us uncomfortable. Growth comes from stepping beyond the familiar.
The Road Ahead
That’s why this theology blog is going to start where both new and experienced Christians need to begin: at the beginning. I promise to give new believers the best start in understanding their faith that I possibly can, trusting the Holy Spirit to guide the way. At the same time, I want to challenge seasoned Christians to rethink what they’ve learned and allow room for growth. Just like a grapevine needs pruning to bear more fruit, our spiritual understanding sometimes needs to be reshaped so we can grow properly.
So, if you’ve been walking with Christ for a while, I encourage you to follow along. Even when you feel the topics are basic, I assure you that the journey I’m taking you on will go deeper than you’ve been before. You might discover things you didn’t even know you were missing.
In the next post, we’ll take our first step together by answering a foundational question: What is the Bible?