Path of the Exile


Hello and welcome to Exiled from Eden. My name is Patrick, and I believe it’s my calling to make the complexities of the Christian faith accessible and understandable to those who are not equipped for life in the ivory towers of theological scholarship, especially for those who are often overlooked or forgotten, the “least of these” among us. My journey toward the truth began in a very dark place, but it ultimately led me to the one who is the embodiment of truth, Jesus Christ. Along the way, I’ve wrestled with life’s biggest questions about purpose and meaning, and the more I study, the more I’ve come to realize theology isn’t just for scholars. It’s for everyone. That’s why I started this blog.

The title of this blog, Exiled from Eden, is more than a reference to the Genesis story. It represents our disconnection from God, our communities, our relationships, and often even from ourselves. But it also serves as a reminder of the journey back toward restoration and the fulfillment of what we were created to be. At its core, theology is about understanding that journey and rediscovering our place in God’s world. Ultimately, we are the exiled, and Eden is both the place we have fallen from and the destination we are called to return to. This name is not just a clever title; it symbolizes the pilgrimage that every Christian finds themselves on.

The purpose of this blog is simple: to explore the deep truths of theology in a way that makes sense to everyday people. Whether you’ve never set foot in a church, have felt pushed aside by the religious establishment, or simply feel overwhelmed by the complexity of faith, this blog is for you. You don’t need to have a degree in theology or a library of ancient texts. What matters is the desire to learn, question, and grow.

In the days and months ahead, I’ll be sharing my thoughts and teachings on topics ranging from biblical stories and spiritual warfare to everyday questions about life, suffering, and hope. I’ll also document my journey as I dive into my personal research on demonology and the unseen realm, translating academic ideas into language that’s easy for all of us to understand.

I don’t claim to have all the answers. My goal is to provide the best information I can, in the clearest and simplest language, so you can form your own understanding of what is true. I believe that by wrestling with the big questions together, we can come closer to the truth. So, I invite you to join me on this journey. Whether you have doubts, questions, or simply a desire to learn more about God and the world, let’s walk this path together as fellow exiles.

So, fellow exiles, if you’re ready to dive into this conversation, subscribe to the blog, and let’s get started. As I work on finding this ministry’s voice, I’d love to hear your feedback, thoughts, or ideas for future discussions. Ultimately, my goal is to serve a community where theology is not just for a select few, but for everyone.

2 thoughts on “Path of the Exile”

  1. Life is very hard for people that grew up with no religious background because they don’t realize there is another option. They grow up Bending to peer pressure. I hope and pray that your blog will reach them..

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