What’s the Story of the Bible?
The Bible is an incredibly important book. But let’s be honest, it’s long, and for a lot of people, that can be intimidating. It’s actually a collection of books, written over a long period of time, that together tell one epic story. In this post, we’ll unpack the overarching story of the Bible for those who haven’t read it yet, or for anyone who’s read it but still finds it challenging to piece together. So, what is the story of the Bible?
In the Beginning, God…
The Bible begins with God, the main character of this story, of our lives, and of everything that exists. Right from the start, we see God bringing order, purpose, and life to a chaotic, unformed world. His ultimate creative act is humanity, or Adam in Hebrew, made in his image. Humanity is given an important role, to co-rule with God and cultivate the world, bringing order and beauty as God’s partners.
But humanity faces a critical choice. God places the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden, asking them to trust his definition of what’s good and what’s not. They can choose to follow God’s wisdom, or they can eat from the tree, taking control and deciding good and evil for themselves. Enter a new character, the serpent, who deceives them into believing that by eating the fruit, they’ll become like God. Tragically, they take the bait.
This decision shatters the relationship between God and humanity. Instead of bringing life, it introduces death and disorder. Humanity spirals into self-centeredness, power struggles, violence, and chaos. The consequences of this rebellion lead to God intervening, sending a flood to reset creation and scattering humanity across the nations by confusing their languages.
The People of the Promise
From the scattered nations, God calls one man, Abraham, and makes a promise. Through Abraham and his wife Sarah, God will create a new nation, Israel, to be a light to the world. They will have the opportunity to trust God once again and invite others back into partnership with him.
But just like Adam and Eve, Israel struggles with the same temptation, to define good and evil on their own terms. Even with God’s law and guidance, they repeatedly fail. Their leaders, no matter how righteous, can’t save them from sin’s grip. God sends prophets to warn them that their disobedience will lead to exile, but the prophets also deliver hope: one day, a leader will come who will bring forgiveness and change their hearts.
Israel eventually returns from exile, but they’re still waiting for that promised leader. The Old Testament ends with anticipation, God’s people are back in the land, but the Messiah hasn’t yet arrived.
The Messiah Arrives
The New Testament opens with the arrival of Jesus of Nazareth, a descendant of King David. Jesus claims to be the long-awaited Messiah, fulfilling the promises made throughout the Old Testament. He faces the same temptations that have plagued humanity, but he resists. Jesus announces that the Kingdom of God has arrived through him, teaching that true power comes through serving others, and true love is shown by helping those in need, even your enemies.
Jesus doesn’t just teach; he claims to be God in the flesh, come to live the life we couldn’t live and take on the consequences of our rebellion. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus defeats the powers of sin and death, offering forgiveness to all who trust in him. He opens the door for humanity to once again live in partnership with God, empowered to make the right choices and live in a new way.
The Church’s Mission
After Jesus’s resurrection, his followers, now known as the Church, spread his message across the ancient world. But it wasn’t easy. They faced persecution from outside and false teachings from within. The apostles, the leaders of the early Church, wrote letters to encourage and guide these new Christian communities, reminding them to stay faithful to the message of Jesus, even when it meant suffering.
The Church continued to hold onto the hope that Jesus would return one day to fully restore creation, bringing God’s Kingdom to earth in all its fullness.
Next Steps
For seasoned believers, this may feel like a simplified overview, but the Bible’s story is rich with depth and complexity. It offers a lifetime of discovery. But before we dive into the deeper layers, we need to establish a solid foundation. In the next few posts, we’ll explore some basic tools to help us read and understand the Bible properly. Together, we’ll learn how to unlock the richness of this epic story.